How to Take Better Care of Your Pets’ Sensitive Skin

Doing the most for your furkid but can’t put your finger on why their skin is still acting up?

There are several reasons why your pet might have been experiencing skin issues, including genetics, diet, lifestyle, and environment. However, one significant factor pet owners, both new and experienced, often overlook is the process of how we keep them clean.


Habits To Avoid

Daily Washing of Paws
Washing our pets’ paws daily is extremely harsh and harmful to them.
Contrary to what many pet owners believe, washing our pets’ paws daily is extremely harsh and harmful to them.

Many make the mistake of doing so, especially after walks outdoors, thinking that this is necessary, much like how we as pet owners behave.

However, the daily washing of our pets’ paws could be the cause behind skin issues, particularly around the leg area. Water from our showers contains numerous impurities and minerals, and by washing their paws too often, will enable bacteria to grow and potentially cause fungal and yeast infections.

For many dogs, this can trigger the tendency to constantly chew and lick on the surrounding leg areas, including the gaps in between paw pads.

Using A Wet Cloth
Using a wet cloth to clean your pet is another common but incorrect method of care.

Water at most only helps to remove visible dirt, but does not effectively remove any actual bacteria. By using a wet cloth, bacteria is spread from one spot to another and inadvertently all over the pet’s body.

As mentioned, water assists the growth of bacteria such as fungus, yeast and other microorganisms. In pets with more severe infections, this can trigger outbreaks of rashes and worsen itching inflamed skin.

What To Do Instead

Blow Drying A Must After Showers, But Not Too Often
Much like how the constant washing of our furkids is harmful, frequent blow-drying of their body and fur is also damaging.

Heat from the dryer causes the skin to lose natural skin moisture. The result is flaky skin, hairline cracks, and outbreaks of eczema or acute dermatitis in severe cases.

It is advisable to reduce the frequency of showers to approximately twice a month.

The twin process of washing and blow-drying work in unison. As such,  when pet owners shower their pets, it is an absolute must to follow up with a blow-dry to prevent water from stimulating bacterial growth.

Blow-dry every part of the body, especially on areas prone to skin issues, including the neck, ears and front and back of the paws.

Choose Products That Are Natural And Multi-Purpose
Ideally, pet owners should choose products that are natural and multi-purpose.

Key features to look out for include products that are chemical-free and serve various functions (such as cleaning the pet’s body, paws, face, mouth). These products should also be able to remove other odours and stains at the same time.

Using natural and multi-purpose products to replace an unnecessary series of chemical-based products is highly beneficial, as this reduces our pets’ exposure to chemicals and harsh ingredients. It also makes them suitable for pets with sensitive skin.

Daily Skincare & Maintenance

Upkeeping our furkids’ basic daily cleanliness routine is essential. A few key practices include brushing of fur, wiping off excess earwax and tear debris, cleaning the mouth after meals, as well as the hindquarters to ensure overall hygiene.

Even for super busy pawrents and furkids that do not go out frequently, brushing the pet’s fur is still required at least once every two to three days. During the process, it is also good to check on their ears to look out for dirt or odour, as this points to early signs of possible infection.

Overall, by keeping in mind the common habits to avoid, educating themselves on ingredients and chemicals to look out for, and using the right products, pawrents can easily solve the root cause behind their furkids’ skin issues.
